The Pensacola Greek Festival is hosted by the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church on their grounds at 1720 W. Garden Street in Pensacola. The festival was started in 1959 as a dinner to raise money for the church and has since evolved into a full blown 3 day affair on the second weekend in October.
In 2004, we had to move the festival to mid-November when hurricane Ivan rolled through Northwest Florida on September 16 causing damage across many counties. We were able to pull off a full festival just two months later and we continued to hold the festival over Veteran’s Day weekend for several years.
Over the years we have found new ways to improve upon what is already a wonderful experience for all who come. Today you can find all of our dinner line options inside our church Hellenic Center, the pastries have been moved outside under the main tent, and all Taverna food options are out in the church courtyard. Be sure to check out our church inside as well, where you can learn about the Greek Orthodox faith and what our faith means to us.
This festival is a labor of love that we share with all who attend. From being to dance with us and sharing in our culture we encourage all of Pensacola to come on down festival weekend and join our church family for celebration, fellowship and friendship.